Last Saturday…“From the HOH Studio”

This past Saturday “From the HOH Studio” opened at the Hudson Opera House.  There was a pretty decent crowd – despite the frigid temps outside. I received  a lot of positive feedback on my figures.  

The show was, all in all, quite strong.  Refreshingly three quarters or more of the main gallery were nude drawings and paintings.  I was hoping to see this, but in this area it’s not common. Quite a few commented that they were glad to see such a show too. All of the artists are local and for some this was also their very first show.

Great news for both the Opera House and myself…one of my pieces sold that night. It was the one used for the announcements – “Suzie”.  As far as I know that was the only sale they made that evening. We’re all hoping that more will be sold before the end of the show in a month.

What are your thoughts?