How does work change in process?

I’m happy to say that I have been creating a lot lately. Some I’m happy with, some that get tossed – that’s normal for me. But I have been taking photos of work as it progresses, grows, changes… I thought it might be interesting to see both for myself and maybe for you as well.

Work In Progress

ImageSorry for the silence lately, but I had good reason… a tonsillectomy (rough at my age, but worth it in the end.)  However, prior to the surgery and once I was up to moving about again, I started new work.  This is always exciting.  What you see here is work in progress.  This time I have been taking photos periodically of the watercolor mandalas in progress, so soon I hope to release some time-lapse videos of them evolving.  That should be really interesting to watch (for me and you).